28. 7. 2016.

Slatke desert kuglice

• 200g lješnjaka
• 200g rogača
• Kardamom
• Svježi cvjetovi lavande
• 100g datulja
• trunka morske soli
• par suhih šljiva i par suhih marelica

Uvaljate male kuglice i to je sva priča oko kuglica.

Izvor: Absofruitly Heli

Torta od limuna i malina

 -1/2 šolje urmi, bez koštica (6 velikih urmi)
-2 šolje oraha      
-1/2 kašičice morske soli
– 2 šolje sirovih indijskih oraščića, namočenih preko noći
 -3/4 šolje soka od limuna
-1 cela mahuna vanilije, smlevena (ili 2 kašičice ekstrakta vanile)
-1/3 šolje kokosovog ulja, rastopljenog
-1/2 šolje agave sirupa
-prstohvat morske soli
-1 šolja malina (odmrznite ih ukoliko koristite smrznute)
Potopite indijske oraščiće u filtriranu vodu preko noći. Ocedite pre korištenja. Stavite urme u procesor hrane ili blender i pulsirajte do grube smese. Dodajte orahe i so i pulsirajte dok se smesa dovoljno ne usitni da ju možete utisnuti rukama u kalup, a da je dovoljno zrnasta, ne kremasta. Stavite smesu u kalup za torte i čvrsto je pritisnite, pazeći da je kora ravnomerno utisnuta. Ugrejte kokosovo ulje i agavu u maloj tavi na laganoj vatri dok ne dobijete tečnost. U istom procesoru hrane ili blenderu dodajte sve sastojke za punjenje bez malina. Pomešajte dok ne dobijete vrlo glatku i gustu smesu. Ulijte oko 2/3 smese u kalup na koru sa špatulom. U ostatak smese stavite maline i obradite ih dalje u procesoru hrane ili blenderu dok ne dobijete glatku smesu lepe ružičaste boje. Ulijte sloj sa malinama  u kalup na postojeće slojeve. Stavite u zamrzivač dok se ne zamrzne. Poslužite, izvadite iz zamrzivača 30 minuta pre jela. Kako biste lakše sekli tortu, stavite oštri nož najprije pod vrelu vodu, a zatim ga dobro osušite.

26. 7. 2016.

Sirup od kajsija

sirup od kajsija

Priprema: 5 minuta
Obrada: 3 minuta

-3 šolje (465 g) svežih  kajsija  
-3/4 šolje (150 g) prirodnog  zaslađivača (agava, stevija), po ukusu možete dodati/smanjiti količinu
-1 kašičica soka od limuna   
Sve sastojke izblendati i poslužiti!   Sirup od kajsija  je osvežavajuć i  sladak, niske masnoće, niskog udela soli, holesterola, zdrav je za srce i pogodan za  vegetarijanace, vegane i sirovojelce. :)

2. 7. 2016.

What to do when you have one of "those" thays?

Believe it or not but I have "those" days too. The ones where you plain just don't want to get out of bed. And you know if you do, you'll wish you hadn't.

If you're having one of "those" days, instead of crawling back under the covers and hiding out for the rest of the day, try this.
Think of something ridiculously small you need to do. Do it. Repeat.
Just like climbing a ladder, take it one small step at a time.
Maybe it's just throwing a load of laundry in the wash. But when you're done, you'll feel better about yourself and be ready for whatever small is next.
And to add some visual charisma to the little things, yank out your timer and time yourself (timing yourself keeps you focused and makes it fun).
In a nutshell, here's what you need to do when you just don't feel like doing anything- set a ridiculously small goal, set your timer, then watch those minutes tick away as you breeze through your to-do list.
It's not that hard once you get started. After all, the hardest part is starting...
Before you know it, you'll be up and in charge again.

Don't be like this samurai

Have you heard the story about the samurai and the wiseman?

Listen... (I mean read...)

Once upon a time, there lived a wiseman in Japan. People from far and near would visit him to ask for wisdom about life.

One day, a famous samurai came to visit the wiseman.

"I am a great warrior. I have come today to ask you to teach me wisdom. Open my mind to enlightenment, master."  

The wiseman smiled and said that they should discuss it over a cup of tea.

As they sat down, the wiseman poured the samurai a cup.

He poured and he poured, but didn't stop. As the tea rose to the rim, it began to spill over the table.

The samurai shouted "Stop! You are spilling the tea everywhere. Can't you see the cup is full, old man?"

The wiseman stopped pouring, and smiled at his guest.

"You are like this tea cup. So full of yourself that nothing more can be added. Come back to me when your cup is empty, because there is nothing I can teach you."

The samurai ran out and never returned.

Now, here's my question:

Are you like this samurai? Is your cup full?